External Switching Mods
Hangman fx pedals have the option to be switched remotely by connecting an external switcher (like the Switch Box)…
…to the ext. switching 1/8” jack on the pedal using any 1/8” stereo cable (like the one included with the Switch Box!)
For dual pedals (most Hangman pedals), you can also change which side is switched by flipping the “Ext. Switcher” slide switch inside the pedal towards whichever side you want remotely switched.
The external switching utilizes the Tip & Ring of the 1/8” stereo jack connection, so momentarily connecting the two works the same as pressing on the footswitch of the pedal. This means it not only retains the Intelligent Switching funtionality, but it also makes it very easy to create your own custom switching solutions!
The simplest custom switch would be a momentary (SPST) button like this push button.
But don’t stop there! You can even install the same type of push button into your guitar! Anywhere you can put a push button, you can switch your Hangman fx pedal from there.
Our remote switching solution is also compatible with many MIDI Loopers that have a “Relay” switching option such as the Morningstar MC6 Pro or the Relay Interface with previous Morningstar MIDI controllers.
You can also create your own Loop Switcher to switch numerous Hangman pedals by simply installing multiple switches & jacks in a single pedal enclosure.
Or get create & switch your pedals with two bananas! (no really, it works).
No Soldering Required
Change Height of Footswitches: We highly recommend using a plastic or non-marring socket so you don’t accidentally scratch the artwork or finish of the pedal. This one is pretty easy & can be very helpful if the height of the footswitches isn’t quite working for your board setup. Just loosen the footswitch nuts, remove the back plate of the pedal & lift them out of the back of the pedal, either screw the interior nut further down or further up, then place the footswitches back inside and tighten them up again. Done!
(If you’d like, use a small amount of Blue Loctite to make sure the footswitches never come loose).
Experiment with Different Input Buffers for the Tyrannosaur MegaDriver: The Tyrannosaur can be fairly sensitive to which buffer is placed in front of it. We recommend putting some buffer before it, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be the default one. If you open up the pedal, you can turn off the input buffer in order to experiment with placing various buffers in front.
Lower the Range the Finetune Knob Can Reach in the Atomic World Ender: In very specific circumstances, you may find yourself wishing the Finetune knob on the AWE could reach lower notes (such as wanting your Finetune knob to reach a low octave D note for Drop-D tuning). To do this, simply turn the internal trimpot labeled “Finetune” down until you reach that note, similar to how you find your root note on the actual Finetune knob.
Turn JFET Side of Lord GermFet into a Gated Boost: By turning the internal bias trimpot clockwise (landing about at the 50% point of the full rotation), this will alter the bias of the JFET so it will act as a gate for the Germanium side. The downside of this mod is the JFET side will not sound great by itself now (it’ll be crackly & buzzy), but now when paired with the Germanium side even at the highest gain, it should be dead quiet when not playing.
Turn the Gated Boost Toggle Switch of the Tyrannosaur MegaDriver into a Non-Gated Treble Boost: The “Gated” boost switch on the Tyrannosaur activates a treble-y gated dirt circuit. The same (but opposite) to the previous Lord GermFet mod, you can turn the amount of gating down with the internal trimpot. This leaves you with essentially just a treble boost. (If you do this mod, we do recommend turning the other “Gain” boost toggle off or keeping the “Roar” knob fairly low to avoid introducing too much noise).
Add Dry Blend to Atomic World Ender: For our bassist friends or those who want to push their amp with more clean signal, there is an internal trimpot to mix some dry signal into your tone. The dry signal will not be affected by the chopper tremolo.
Lower The Depth in the “High” LFO Depth Setting of the Meteoric Echo Monster: Once you start deep-diving into the psychedelic madness of the Echo Monster, you may find yourself wanting to be a little more precise with the depth of the LFO. With the internal trimpot labeled “High Depth” you can lower how high that depth can go. This can give you more control at higher Time settings or when trying to find exact octaves, among other things.
Soldering Required (please learn how to solder first)
Making the Ext. Switcher of the Atomic World Ender Momentarily Switch the Octave On/Off: Beware, this will dissable remote switching of the left or right side of the pedal & only turn the octave on/off when in “Gate” mode, No Gate mode will remain unaffected. First, open your pedal and un-solder the two wires going to the 1/8” ext. switcher jack. Then solder wires from the left & middle lug of the “Mode” toggle switch (arrows on PCB to help) to the 1/8” jack’s lugs you just de-soldered. Now the Ext. Switcher will switch the octave on & off momentarily. This can be helpful for players who use the octave for quick solos or riffs & would prefer it to be momentarily switchable rather than the standard external switching of the left or right side of the AWE.
Changing Expression Control of the Meteoric Echo Monster from Time to Boost Level: Beware, this will disable Time control from the Expression input. By default, the Exp. jack of the Echo Monster is connected to the Time parameter, but with this mod, the Expression control can vary the Boost instead. First, open your pedal & de-solder the two wires going to the 1/8” Exp. jack (put some electrical tape or shrink wrap around them to keep them isolated from each other or the aluminum enclosure!). Then solder wires from the middle & left lugs of the Boost potentiometer (arrows on PCB to help) to the 1/8” Exp. jack you just de-soldered. Third party expression pedals vary widely, but using our Luma Express Light-Sensitive Expression Pedal, you’ll now have control of the full range of boost via expression.